Monday, August 5, 2024

Walk in Help the week of August 5, 2024

Hospice Education and Learning Partnership - St Christopher's Hospice

August  6, Tuesday, 10 - 12 

1. Kathleen Baine - Windows, MS Office, Facebook, Google

2.Geri Connelly - Android, FB, some google

3.Toni Valenstein - Apple Everything, fb, streaming

 August  7, Wednesday, 2 - 4

1. Mark Davis - Apple, Some Chrome, Some Google, and Streaming

2.JoAnne Connell - Apple

3. Maureen Kilcoyne - Windows PC, MS 365, iPad, Android, Google,

 Photoshop Elements

4.Kathleen Turco - iPhone

5. Donna Fagan - iPhone, iPad, Excel


 August 8 Thursday, 10 - 12

1.Kathleen Baine - Windows, MS Office, Facebook, Google

2.Nancy Austin-Android, PC, Facebook, all things Google, streaming

3.Toni Valenstein - Apple Everything, fb, streaming

4.John Niles-Mac, some iPhone, iPad

 August 10, Saturday, 10 - 12 

1. Mark Davis - Apple, Some Chrome, Some Google, and Streaming

2. Charlie Sapernakis- Apple - PC, Office, Android, Google

3. Nancy Austin, PC, Google Photos, streaming

4.Toni Valenstein - Apple Everything, fb, streaming

  August 11,  Sunday, 1, - 3 

1. Dennis  Shea - PC, Digital Scanning

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